Sunday, April 24, 2016

The 21st of April. 1987

It was April 19 (Easter Sunday), 29 years ago. I was two weeks overdue, and having dinner at my inlaw's when I started feeling 'crampy'. (So for the purposes of this exercise, lets say I went into labour at 6 pm on the 19th.) Twelve hours later, with contractions a few minutes apart,we went to the hospital. (So that would be Monday morning, April 20 at 6 am.)

And it was a full twenty seven hours AFTER THAT, with both he and I in distress, he was born by emergency c-section at 9 am on April 21.

The following 5 days were spent in the hospital with him staring at me from his bassinet with a "what now, lady?" look in his eyes. And me feeling completely ill-equipped to respond maturely.

And that? Set the tone for the better part of the following 3 decades.

Happy Birthday, Clint. It was all so very worth it. You have been a gift from God, and I am so thankful He chose me to be your mom.

Love you and am proud of you, xo

Three things I'm thankful for:

1. A great dinner and visit with the birthday boy tonight, watching the sun set from the Cactus Club at English Bay.

2. I am thankful for the man my first baby has become.

3. I am thankful for days like these. They are precious.


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